Posts Tagged ‘battery cages’

Shelled-egg bill placed on hold

July 28, 2009


“A bill that would have applied cage size restrictions on out-of-state producers who sell eggs in California has been put on hold until next year.

The measure’s sponsor, Assemblyman Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, cited an impasse between stakeholders as his reason for delaying action.

The bill, AB1437, would apply the rules created by Proposition 2 to out-of-state producers whose eggs are sold in California. Prop. 2, enacted by voters in November, mandates that food-animal enclosures allow freedom of movement. It would apply mostly to egg production.

Egg producers complain that the initiative’s vague language contains no enforceable standard for cage sizes. That means compliance can be subject to personal opinions, leaving producers with a high risk of non-compliance, says Dennis Albiani, a lobbyist representing the Association of California Egg Farmers.”

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